**Dispensed With: Gone For Good**


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Meaning of "Dispensed With"

Meaning of dispensed with

"Dispensed with" is a phrase that means to get rid of something or to stop using something. It can be used in a variety of contexts, both formal and informal.

Removing Something Unnecessary

One common use of "dispensed with" is to describe the removal of something that is no longer needed or useful. For example, a company might decide to dispense with a particular product line that is no longer profitable. Similarly, a person might decide to dispense with a hobby that they no longer enjoy.

Ending a Practice or Custom

Another use of "dispensed with" is to describe the discontinuation of a practice or custom. For example, a school might decide to dispense with the practice of requiring students to wear uniforms. Similarly, a government might decide to dispense with the custom of observing a particular holiday.

Eliminating a Burden or Obstacle

"Dispensed with" can also be used to describe the elimination of a burden or obstacle. For example, a person might decide to dispense with the burden of carrying a heavy backpack by purchasing a rolling suitcase. Similarly, a company might decide to dispense with the obstacle of a long commute by allowing employees to work remotely.

Additional Meanings and Usage

In addition to the primary meanings outlined above, "dispensed with" can also be used in a number of other ways. For example, it can be used to describe:

  • The act of distributing something, such as medicine or food
  • The act of excusing someone from a duty or obligation
  • The act of getting rid of something in a careless or wasteful way

The specific meaning of "dispensed with" will vary depending on the context in which it is used. However, the general idea of getting rid of something or stopping using something remains the same.

Personal Experience

I recently decided to dispense with the practice of checking my email first thing in the morning. I found that this was a major source of stress and anxiety, as I would often be confronted with a long list of unread messages that I felt obligated to respond to immediately. By dispensing with this practice, I have been able to start my day with a much clearer head and a greater sense of calm.


"Dispensed with" is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts to describe the act of getting rid of something or stopping using something. It is a useful term for describing the removal of anything from unnecessary items to burdensome obligations.

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